Mahendra Neupane 20 January 2018 Programming

You Need to Know About Programming

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I have only recently begun studying computer programming. I must confess computer programming is not an easy stuff to learn but it is fun. Computer programming has so many importance, and in this brief column I am going to shed some light on some of the major importance of computer programming. I have a fantastic computer programmer as my instructor and he has been teaching me programming for the past week now, and so far it has been an eye-opener for me.Before I begin listing the importance of programming I want to let my readers know what a computer programmer does. A computer programmer’s job is to find a problem and come up with a solution to that problem and then make codes for the program he or she has developed. The programmer would then test the program to make sure that it is working alright before he or she would finally document the program, which is the last step for programming. Programming creates information that computers would use to perform various types of tasks.

Importance of Computer Programming

1.The major importance of programming is to solve problems. Because of programming today we have solved a lot of technological problems in various fields.

2.Because of programming, computer experts have been able to develop animations, sophisticated graphics and even video games.

3.One interesting thing about computers is the fact that they work mainly with numbers. Had it not been for programming we would be unable to use computers effectively. Programmers make programs that transform computer language into a format that can be easily understood by humans.

4.Programming has made life much easier. Thanks to computer programming we have a whole lot of things today that we can achieve with our computer. Programming has made the jobs of musicians easier by providing them with sophisticated software to make music within minutes. Programming has made it possible for us to get sophisticated software and applications that make performing certain tasks extremely easy.