personal infos

- first name : Mahendra
- last name : Neupane
- Age : 25 Years
- Nationality : Nepalese
- Address : Salyan, Nepal
- phone : +9779868630911
- Email : [email protected]
- langages : Nepali, English, Hindi
years of experience
completed projects
awards won
Experience & Education
CEO Find All Nepal
Find All, generally works with an aim to collect data from different organizations and focuses on analysis and filtration of information.
Secretary General IODT Nepal
IODT is a non-government organization established to embrace the knowledge and use of computer among students in rural areas.
IT Support (Developer) Nepal Bank Ltd.
Nepal Bank Limited, The first bank of Nepal was established in November 15, 1937 A.D (Kartik, 30, 1994).
MBAPhoenix College Of Management
Phoenix College of Management (PCM), promoted by Republica International Education Foundation Pvt. Ltd.(RIEF), and affiliated to LINCOLN UNIVERSITY COLLEG.
BSc. CSIT Henry Ford Int'l College
Nepalaya’s entire Higher Secondary Education Programs are affiliated with the National Education Board of Nepal government.
ISc. Scienece Gorkha Higher Secondary School
Gorkha Secondary School a premier academic institution has always had as its core mission, the pursuit of excellence.